About me
Congrats. You found me. Not many trench into these parts. Who am I? Just your friendly neighborhood tools developer, specializing in Unreal Engine.

I got into Unreal the same way many people did: reaching for hopes and dreams that came to life as a kid. Inspired by games that do their best to come alive such as Zelda: The Wind Waker, a team was quickly assembled when I was still studying for my Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, in Germany, Trier.
Long story short, the game sucked and the tools for content creation sucked even more, specifically when it came to world state and dialogue. This led me on a journey to develop a dialogue plugin which is, to this day (March 18th, 2021, in case you already threw money at me for my very good plugin while reading this in the future) unreleased. It did land me a job at articy GmbH, where I was the sole person responsible for making the existing but bare-bones and quite unusable articy:draft 3 importer for Unreal Engine 4 a plugin that features a variety of UX enhancements not seen in other plugins.
This led me to become employed at Epic Games, working on Niagara.