Extending Tool Menus in the Editor via C++
Learn how to edit and extend almost any menu in Unreal Engine 5. A downloadable sample plugin is included.
Learn how to edit and extend almost any menu in Unreal Engine 5. A downloadable sample plugin is included.
With the note feature, it becomes possible to explain a module’s functionality within the context of its owning emitter. This feature was introduced in conjunction with the Behavior Example assets in Niagara in 4.27.
To make most use of Niagara’s categorization aspects and to strengthen the “LIbrary” idea of VFX assets, good filtering options when accessing your set of assets is mandatory. Here is how I helped shape a better user experience.
The Select node was my first new feature at Epic. While it replaced the If node due to covering its functionality completely and expanding upon it, it also allows for better UX through multiple small enhancements.
A Parallax Overlay widget that can be used for both editor tools and for games from within UMG. While more of a proof of concept, it shows how easy it is to expand UMG with new functionality.
Visualizing runtime data not found in any actor is something Unreal just does not let you do, by default. You can however write your own tools to visualize data that is not editor-exposed, or change the way data is displayed or interacted with to suit your needs.
Edgy Bone Tools is a utility plugin focused on bridging the gap between Unreal and Blender and incompatibilities between the bone/joint systems in Blender and other tools such as Maya
The Articy Extension plugin was the program created for my bachelor’s thesis and led me to work for articy GmbH. It automatically recreates articy’s graphs within Unreal Engine, allows the user to add engine-specific events and offers hooks for creating their own dialogue system and UI.
Selecting characters rather than actors, and dialogue instead of assets poses its own set of challenges. Being able to tackle game content instead of fighting the tech is what enables the makings of great games.
This tutorial explains how to write async Blueprint nodes using C++, and how to write one that will lerp a component smoothly from one socket to another without spaghetti nodes in Blueprint.